Saturday, June 18, 2011

The First Crush

               This blog is not about me, it is about someone very close and he wanted me to write this on his behalf, for he felt that I know him as good as himself . For the sake of convenience let’s name him as HR for Hopeless Romantic and the blog which follows will be his story, his romanticism and his failures, his failures after repeated attempts with different people - in LOVE.
This is no love story, this is in fact the story of a person who has been failing in love not once not twice but over and over again, one might feel that why doesn’t he learn from his mistakes and be better but a Hopeless Romantic that he is, I doubt he ll ever be able to be normal.

I have known HR all my life; he is a dreamer, center of attraction, has a weird but a good sense of humor, a very emotional guy, a traveller and Yes a Hopeless Romantic. If you are still wondering who a HR is look at this here

Let me start with the first experience of HR while he was at school, there was this sweet Bengali female and HR fell for her cute little dimples, her pony and her cheerfulnessJ. Not only were HR and the Bengali female good friends but also competitors in studies but then our HR use to lose out as he spend more time dreaming of her than competing with her. I remember the first time I came to know of this little thing between HR and the female when on she had come in his locality to attend some family function and HR was happy than usual :-O, leave happy he must have seen her and so was dancing to this number of the movie “Phool Aur Kaante” which goes like

And I was laughing like crazy, obvi HR got offended and when I tried to find out from whether the Bengali female knows about our hero, he had no answers, neither had HR confessed nor had told anyone and from then I became his confidante, his best friend, his counselor J . But then it was too late, for the Bengali female left the school the following summer and went back to her home town. This was the end of the first crush of our dear HR and I realized at the same point that HR will only become a bigger Hopeless Romantic but nothing more.

Jai Hopeless Baba ki …

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