Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Expressions Galore...

“But tell me, what do u like in me??  - Aaliya “

“Aaliya, I am very bad at expressing myself so I doubt I can do justice to your question by providing a satisfactory answer – HR “
“Whatttt … is this the best you can do as a reasoning? – Aaliya”
“You are educated, joining a medical college and you say u can’t express yourself – Aaliya”

“This is the worst reasoning I have heard in recent times, and you have surpassed the worst – Aaliya”

“Your eyes Aaliya, they have stolen my heart, I can’t look at you and speak at the same time – HR”

“Since the time I have met you or should I say have seen you, I am enchanted by you – HR”

“When you keep complaining of how lost I am, I am lost, lost in you and I cannot express it coz I am not sure how you will take it – HR”

“You are like a dream, which I want to be true - HR “

“With you I have learnt how to live – HR “

“I want to make every moment I can, the best for you – HR”

“But I might end up ruining it coz I am too busy in thinking of you that I fail to believe that you are here, with me – HR”

“Can you believe when I say that I have even imagined you in so many of my dreams in spite of the fact that you are next to me – HR”

“And in a way, I like the dreamy world, coz if I screw up somewhere I will be ok, coz in reality you are with me, next to me – HR”
“I love how you have started to live with the good memories of the past and not lament of what went wrong – HR”

“You teach me a lot of things – HR”

“I wonder why I didn't meet you before today – HR”

“And now that we are meeting, what is planned for us? – HR”

“I wish to bring you all the happiness this world has – HR “

“With you around, I feel so assured, so confident that I can conquer the world – HR”

“This trip that we are on, trust me I don’t remember anything of what I have seen till now coz I am too busy observing you – HR”

“And this is how the trip will continue for me – HR “

“There is nothing in this world which can get more attention that you – HR”

“I cannot imagine my life without you, coz with you, even standing in these ruins, on the side of the road in an unknown place feels like heaven – HR “

“It feels like now, I don’t need anything or anyone for this journey called life coz with you life will continue to be awesome – HR”

“I have started thinking of myself as the Mahari Devadasi, who know that they cannot achieve God but still love him and submit completely to him – HR”

“Maybe it is just the fact that I have never been together with such a wonderful person earlier hence these thoughts – HR”

“But I have told you what I feel – HR”

“Maybe after this you will start doubting me and think am a freak or someone but trust me, there is nothing sexual about this whole expression – HR”

“Though it is tough to disagree on the fact that you are very good looking and everything, in fact these things were the ones which made me think of you but now when I think of those moments, I realize how foolish I have been – HR”

“You are as safe with me as u were with your Boy Friend if not less – HR”

“I hope you understand the depth of my love for you and not go by my words for I am not very good at expressing and hence might have given an incomplete picture – HR”

“I am so lost that now if you ask me the exact moment when I started liking you, I will not be able to tell you :( - HR”

“Hope …. – HR”

(Why is she not letting me speak and put her fingers on my lips?)

“Speak no further – Aaliya”

“Muaaah – Aaliya”


  1. Girls can make guys speak out watever is dere in their mind ;-) :-P

  2. Awesome....first he says he is bad at expressing then he says so much which is enough for a girl to fall in love. HR expressed it very well.

    1. Like i said, he is HOPELESS and un reliable also :P

  3. made for magnificent read..(cant express)HR pouring out thoughts on how much Aaliya meant to him and Aaliyas apt response,wht other path could she tread,whn sealing it with a kiss remained the sole option.what i fail to understand was y love has to depend on tangibility(eyes,hav seen,hav met..)doesnt it reduces love(one amongst the strongest of emotions) to a fragile nothing left stranded in the desert of life to face the unruly winds of change!!???

    1. Wonderful comment, and i think i need to do another blog to respond to this comment. Some Day it ll be done for sure
